coast (noun) ጠረፍ / የባሕር ዳርቻ / ጠረፍ (ስም)
- We approached the coast at night.
- ከጠረፉ ሌሊት ደረስን
- On the map, the coast has a jagged outline.
- በካርታ ሲታይ የባሕሩ ጠረፍ / ዳርቻ ወጣ ገባ ነው
coast (verb) ወረደ / ተጓዘ (ግስ)
- The old car coasted down the hill.
- አሮጌው መኪና ሞተሩ ጠፍቶ ቁልቁለቱን ወረደ
coast along () ጠረፍ ጠረፉን ተጓዘ
- We coasted along South America on our trip last year.
- ባለፈው ዓመት ጉዟችን ደቡብ አሜሪካን ጠረፍ ጠረፉን ተጓዝን