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  • Script Editor. አክቲቨ ኤክስ ኮንትሮል Actual Size correct measured size እውነተኛ መጠን Adapter Usually a hardware component that enables a personal computer to use a...
    39 KB (18 ቃላት) - 20:11, 24 ኤፕሪል 2017
  • መሸጎጫ caddy A tray, usually plastic, into which a CD-ROM disk is inserted before it is placed in certain CD-ROM disk drive. Caddies prevent fingerprint from...
    63 KB (18 ቃላት) - 20:11, 24 ኤፕሪል 2017
  • connector that plugs into the video adaptor end of the cable between the video adapter and the monitor. ዲ-መሳይ መቀጠያ DTD See XML schema ዲቲዲ dual-actuator hard disk...
    43 KB (18 ቃላት) - 20:11, 24 ኤፕሪል 2017
  • unlike a letter or numeral, has no intrinsic meaning and must be defined before it can be interpreted. 2. In programming a data type defined by the operations...
    144 KB (21,579 ቃላት) - 00:03, 1 ኖቭምበር 2023