የፍለጋ ውጤቶች

  • ልክ-አለፍ...
    49 byte (2 ቃላት) - 18:51, 22 ጃንዋሪJanuary 2023
  • (ሙቀት/ቅዝቃዜ) ይቀጭ ጽሑፍ አራሚ ጭብጥ ገጽታ ሐረግ ናሙና ወጥመድ ትቢያ የማያስፈልግ ዛፍ የጊዜው-ወግ ይንቀሳቀስ ለችግር-መፍትሄ-ይፈለግ ለችግር-መፍትሄ-በመፈለግ-ላይ እውነት የተጣጠፈ ይጥፋ ይብራ ሁለት ልክ ባለሁለት አቅጣጫ ዓይነት...
    3 KB (82 ቃላት) - 03:58, 23 ኖቭምበር 2019
  • absolutely (adv) በፍጹም He is absolutely right. እሱ በፍጹም ልክ ነው absolutely (with negative verb) በጭራሽ He is absolutely dishonest. በጭራሽ ታማኝ አይደለም absolutely...
    369 byte (37 ቃላት) - 18:52, 22 ጃንዋሪJanuary 2023
  • አስተዋይነት፣ ከሮማይስጥ የመጣ የአዕምሮ ችሎታ። ይህ ሃሳብ በአማርኛ እንደ ጥበብ ብልሃት ወይም ዕውቀት ቢመስልም፣ ልክ አንድ አይደሉም። መረጃ እንግሊዝኛ intelligence /ኢንቴሊጀንስ/ < ፈረንሳይኛ intelligence /ኧንቴሊዣንስ/...
    2 KB (69 ቃላት) - 20:15, 24 ኤፕሪል 2017
  • addition () ድምር Is my addition correct? ድምሬ ልክ ነው? addition () መደመር Addition is thought in second grade. መደመር በሁለተኛ ክፍል ይሰጣል addition () መጨመር The addition...
    876 byte (93 ቃላት) - 18:52, 22 ጃንዋሪJanuary 2023
  • A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ==Feel = መዳበስ==ስሜት ==Function = አሰራር==ደርጊት...
    2 KB (32 ቃላት) - 03:58, 23 ኖቭምበር 2019
  • A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z በየቀኑ ጨለማ ባለሰረዝ ቀን አቦዝን ኢተውሳክ (bug=ተውሳክ) መፈውስ ኢተውሳክ (bug=ተውሳክ) መፈውስ ጸረ-ትኋን ይነስ ይሰረዝ ቆይታ ንድፍ ዝርዝሮች አግድም...
    6 KB (199 ቃላት) - 03:58, 23 ኖቭምበር 2019
  • as specified by ANSI. ቢ-ልክ ወረቀት B-size printer A printer capable of printing on B-size (11 x 17 inches) and small paper. ቢ ልክ አታሚ bubble size Excel Bubble...
    28 KB (18 ቃላት) - 20:11, 24 ኤፕሪል 2017
  • gives the user details about lines, characters, pages etc. አኃዘ ቃላት (የቃላት ቁጥር፣ ልክ ማለት ነው) word processing The act of entering and editing text with a word processor...
    17 KB (18 ቃላት) - 20:11, 24 ኤፕሪል 2017
  • preciseness of something, e.g. an accurate measurement ልክነት accurate See accuracy ልክ ACL Abbreviation of Access Control List. A list that indicates which users...
    39 KB (18 ቃላት) - 20:11, 24 ኤፕሪል 2017
  • an item. ለካ measurement a figure, extent, or amount obtained by measuring ልክ measurement the act or process of measuring መለካት Mechanical mouse A mouse...
    29 KB (18 ቃላት) - 20:11, 24 ኤፕሪል 2017
  • accessed. It can be optimized to make data acquisition more efficient. ማትሪያ ልክ internal hard disk A hard disk designed to fit within a computer\'s case and...
    31 KB (18 ቃላት) - 20:11, 24 ኤፕሪል 2017